Don't wait for perfection. It’s an illusion…

Most people are waiting for the perfect moment so they can do something, and then magic happens. Then boom………Success.

But that is not going to happen. There is no perfect time to do something, and there is no perfect time to achieve success.

And no one can get success instantly. It's a messed-up process where you feel overwhelmed, feel devastated, feel like you can't go further, and everything is falling apart. Your confidence, your mind, your thinking—and you are stuck in the endless loop of thinking that you won't escape.

 You want someone who can enter your world and say, “I can take care of you, and you do not have to take stress; you do not have to burden yourself.

But it's not going to happen. No one comes to you for your help.

If you can't help yourself, no one can do for you. These are the grinding stages where you have to make yourself strong. Even when everyone is saying you are a loser,

Don't listen, don't act; just do the work that needs to be done.

These are the grinding stages. These are the hardest phases of your life. 

If you walk past this phase, then no one can stop you from getting success. 

You have to write your own story. You have to become your motivation.

Don't follow the rat race. Do what you want to do and what you want to achieve.

It can take 2 years or 15 years; it depends on your goal and how big it is.

The power is in only following one thing, and that is “Don't give up.”

You have the power; you have the guts to achieve anything, but first, you have to recognize that power. 

Everyone is struggling in the world, but the ones who succeed have only followed this one path: “They didn't give up.”.

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